Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Bible quote...?

As you may be aware, the first few pieces of the puzzle of organising our wedding are starting to fall into place... But to the question of what next (for me, and therefore us) and it is possible that there may be some development on that front too. I recently had an interview with a firm that has nothing at all to do with my field of work, and for whom I would be very happy to work... This interview, or meeting, as it was not quite formal enough to be called an interview went reasonably well, and if it were to lead to something then it would lead, amongst other things, to me being based in London, which would of course answer the 'London or Paris' question. More importantly than that, it has shown me that with some strategic introductions then some kind of headway can be made, even without the perfect CV, which I certainly don't have... It has taught me that I need to make more use of the vast variety of people I have had the opportunity to meet and know in my life...

So, put simply, maybe I will move to London, or maybe not, that is not very important, what is important is that with some effort, and a little pushing then meetings can be set up which may open doors that would not be opened otherwise. I think that there is a Bible quotation in there somewhere, but I am not going to use it!

Until next time dahlings, that was me...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It has now been a week since F went away, and she is finally coming back on Monday, thank goodness. It is strange how I am much moodier when she isn't around. It has been an eventful week, what with my random job interview in a completely different sector of work... We will see if something comes of it... Not to mention some horrible days at work, but that happens, and probably has something to do with me and my mood... Then there was the plumbing issues... It was about time I suppose, it has been at least 7 months and we haven't had any issues, so, by French plumbing standards we did pretty well!

Friends make a lot of things better and of course it is great to hear that a bunch of people are coming back to Paris, be it for a couple of days like C and S, or be it for months like F (not my F) and A, who will make everything much more vibrant...

London or not London keeps rearing its head as an issue, just when I thought that we were staying, that work was settled and that we were here for the forseeable future, up comes the possibility once again of moving back to London, and the more I think about it the more I wonder if it might not be time for a major change of that sort, but again that could just be my mood talking...

Anyway, it is late, so good night, and

until next time dahlings, that was me...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I love Disney...

So, I have always loved Disney films, or at least since I was 19 or so... But recently I have got into them even more, maybe because I was always too grown up for them as a kid, or maybe because they have simply been getting funnier and funnier over the last few years... Think Pixar years plus one of my favourites so far, Enchanted... How can Disney taking the mickey out of Mickey - or something like that - not be funny?

Talking of Disney, I recently found out that one of the newest Disney films, Narnia: Prince Caspian, stars someone I went to school with, which is a little strange. I am not talking about someone who was just at the same school as me, but who was in the same year as me for my eight years of high school. Fair play to the guy and good luck to him, I am debating inviting him to be my friend on Facebook, but think it a little obvious, so won't.

Finally, talking of big breaks, which I wasn't exactly, but it is a tenuous link and I will use it... It may be my turn for one... Probably not, but you never know... If anything happens then I will let you know, and once the meeting is over I am sure that you will hear about it, even if it doesn't go well, because, quite frankly the whole situation is sufficiently unusual and out of the blue to be of interest...

Until next time dahlings, that was me...

Friday, June 13, 2008

A rant...

So, girls, this one is directed at you! Well actually I hope for your sake that it isn't directed at you, but some of you girls may well be guilty...

What is it with not wearing a bra, when it is obviously necessary for the most part? I am not talking about those of you with small breasts who are under the age of thirty and are very pert, I am talking about those of you that are blessed with a chest of slightly larger dimensions and insist of being free and easy... I recently served a couple of ladies, and ladies they were in all but this... They were English, at least 55 (and I am probably being nice) both with unimpressive chests, nothing noteworthy, except that they both insisted on hanging low in a far too literal sense of the word. It is all very well if one is 25 or 30 and still quite pert, but after a certain age it just becomes indecent, and wrong, no matter how good your body is. It is not sexy please don't do it!!

Anyway I presume that my point has been made, please choose carefully if you decide to go bra-less, for the sake of those around you as well as for the future of your chest...

Until next time dahlings, that was me...

PS I figured that pictures were unnecessary!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Time to procrastinate...

I should be studying, so, what am I doing... I am, as you may well know, trying to study to finally get my driving license, but instead am blogging, which means it is going very slowly... In order to blog more effectively I think that it is time for a glass of wine, though whether this will help my studying either is very debatable.

So, glass of wine now in hand, I can effectively continue... It is a while since I have given, you all some insight into my wonderful world, and honestly not a lot has changed, though today I did get told that I will probably be getting a temporary promotion. What, you may ask, does that mean? Well it is simple: since they can't find anyone better than me, or more suitable, they are giving me the job, but that doesn't mean that I am completely proficient, or what they are looking for, just that I am the best option, or perhaps, the only option for the moment.

Enough of that... Apart from things going slowly with the driving lessons, we are also coming up against a few problems planning for the wedding. I won't go into them in detail here, as most of you that read my blog probably read F's blog, and those of you who don't should. Other than that, I should also be re-writing my CV as it may well be the case that I have an interview or two coming up, though we shall see.

Whilst looking for a pretty picture of a wine glass I found something altogether more amusing: a wineglass holder for the bath courtesy of

I think that I have procrastinated very well tonight and so I will leave you...

Until next time, dahlings, that was me...