Tuesday, July 1, 2008

No Missiles for Me...

Put another way, I didn't get the very random job opportunity that came up. I work in the restaurant industry, but through a friend got an interview with a company that specialises in battlefield communications. The job was as a French speaking salesman. Anyway it didn't work out...

Nevermind, this is probably for the best, I am probably not cut out for spending my days hanging around with military types... I wouldn't even get to wear the uniform! But it has focused somewhat the idea that a change is a good idea and things have developed slightly in that, rather than focusing on the London or Paris question we have added another town to the equation... Brussels. Why not, there are lots of opportunities for people who speak more than one language, and there is lots of money because of the European Union and the cost of living is not as high. The one problem being that Brussels is famous for one thing - and I am not talking about serving mayonnaise with French fries, I actually quite like that - I am of course talking about the fact it is meant to be boring as, well, a very boring place... But I figure this could just mean that we spend less money...

So, the question is no longer, London or Paris? But more, is there a way we can move to Brussels and make some money?

It is time to stop resting on our laurels (if anyone can tell me the origins of this phrase I would love to know, I can't possible imagine resting on laurels being exactly comfortable) and get out there and make something happen. So, equally, if you know something that might be of use to us in our search or have interesting insights into Brussels, or Belgium in general, I would also love to hear from you.

Good night, and until next time dahlings, that was me...

PS A quick apology, of the public kind, to M and D... Sorry I didn't get to see you before you leave, and hopefully à bientôt...