Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stolen blog....

So, I had been planning to post a few photos of our fabulous holiday to the Philippines, but, as usual, my DF has beaten me to it.

So, if you are interested, then here are three links to pictures of our fabulous holiday in the Philippines.

Meanwhile, I have been back at work in my new career trying to sell flats (and houses, very occasionally) in Paris. I have now been in this job for 3 months, and I believe that my trial period is finally over, which is good. Less good is the fact that I am still not making any real money, and have no sales happening right now, let alone any leads... (If you know someone selling an apartment in Paris, please please let me know!)

I am also hitting a wall psychologically. I knew it would happen, and now it has. The problem with this job is that there is actually very little time spent selling property. Most of it is spent looking for the next lead, or waiting on a lead, or hoping that a lead that you have comes to fruition. And, to be frank, it gets frustrating.

Heres to hoping for a lead!

Until next time dahlings, that was me....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Too Much Information (TMI) Thursday Nominations...

Dear reader(s), (the "s" is entirely optimistic on my part, but I am leaving it in anyway, so there...)

Out here in the blogosphere I have discovered something that is called TMI Thursdays. For an idea please go to this link:

It is a very funny (?) piece of writing and I would like nominations from you, my reader (ok, the optimism was only going to last so long, I am after all vaguely realistic) for my blog this Thursday.

I will write, including far "too much information" on whatever subject is nominated by the greatest number of readers.

Please leave your ideas in the comments.

Thank you mum,


Your dahling...