Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stolen blog....

So, I had been planning to post a few photos of our fabulous holiday to the Philippines, but, as usual, my DF has beaten me to it.

So, if you are interested, then here are three links to pictures of our fabulous holiday in the Philippines.

Meanwhile, I have been back at work in my new career trying to sell flats (and houses, very occasionally) in Paris. I have now been in this job for 3 months, and I believe that my trial period is finally over, which is good. Less good is the fact that I am still not making any real money, and have no sales happening right now, let alone any leads... (If you know someone selling an apartment in Paris, please please let me know!)

I am also hitting a wall psychologically. I knew it would happen, and now it has. The problem with this job is that there is actually very little time spent selling property. Most of it is spent looking for the next lead, or waiting on a lead, or hoping that a lead that you have comes to fruition. And, to be frank, it gets frustrating.

Heres to hoping for a lead!

Until next time dahlings, that was me....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Too Much Information (TMI) Thursday Nominations...

Dear reader(s), (the "s" is entirely optimistic on my part, but I am leaving it in anyway, so there...)

Out here in the blogosphere I have discovered something that is called TMI Thursdays. For an idea please go to this link:

It is a very funny (?) piece of writing and I would like nominations from you, my reader (ok, the optimism was only going to last so long, I am after all vaguely realistic) for my blog this Thursday.

I will write, including far "too much information" on whatever subject is nominated by the greatest number of readers.

Please leave your ideas in the comments.

Thank you mum,


Your dahling...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I would like to start with a quotation by someone much wiser than myself:

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination
Oscar Wilde

This may be true, or it may be false, but, whichever is the case, it is certainly more fun to live over and above one's means. I am not advocating large sums of credit card debt (particularly during these difficult economic times) but, that is not what the great Oscar Wilde meant.

We have just come back from one of the most amazing holidays, but the problem with holidays is that, at least for me, is that I allow myself to spend money non-stop with the excuse "It is my holidays, so I have the right to have a good time". Our holiday may have been in the Philippines, which is far from the most expensive place in the world, but, if anything this makes it worse. You then have the excuse that this or that is not expensive, so you can buy two, or three, when normally you wouldn't have even bought one.

So, it could be said that I have, over the years, taken Oscar Wilde's quotation a little too seriously (except that I only discovered it yesterday), and now I am paying the price. Or rather I am avoiding paying... We (my wife and I) have decided that we want to try and make it back to the Philippines by the end of the next year, but in order to do so we have to be a lot more careful with our money and pay off our debt (which is far from excessive, but is there all the same). So it is that my irresponsible youth comes to an end...!

Enough melodrama from me, at least until next time, that was me dahlings....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back to the real world....

For those of you that don't know, F and I have just come back from our second honeymoon... Maybe a bit early, but the holiday was so fabulous we dubbed it so.

So that you can see how fabulous it really was (and so I can make you horribly jealous...) here are a few photos.

The pool at Steph's house (thanx again for
having us)

This photo was taken during the fabulous Intramuros walking tour by Carlos Celdran.

If ever you are lucky enough to get to the Philippines and have some time in Manila be sure to do this fabulous guy's tour. It will change the way you look at the Philippines and its people (for the better!!).

And, to finish, the obligatory sunset from the White Beach on Boracay Island.

Till next time, dahlings, that was me....

Friday, January 22, 2010

One year on...

It is strange to think it has been more than a year since I have posted on this page, and for that I apologise... I would like to say that I had an excuse, but I didn't. Yes, I was busy, yes, we got married, yes I had a hectic work schedule, yes, I changed careers, yes, yes and yes. But, at the end of the day my only excuse is my profound, deeply held belief in laziness!

"New career?", I hear you ask. Yes, that is right, I am now that most-hated of beings, a real estate agent. I am the one who will tell you that your home is not worth as much as you thought it was (it really isn't you know.); who will tell you that you don't have enough money to buy the home you want, or that you don't earn enough, or most probably both. I don't know if the real estate agent's reputation is still up at the top of the most-hated list, we are probably pipped to the post by lawyers, and, of course these days, way out front are the bankers. But we remain a species of little-loved beings, which, quite frankly bothers me about as much as a fly bothers an elephant. I am in it for the money, and if I don't make any, well then I have my back up profession: restaurants.

This I hope will be the start of much more to come from me in this blog, but knowing me I wouldn't hold my breath. If you are interested in our wedding feel free to check out the slide-show on youtube, or my DF's blog.

I hope to find you all again soon, and, until next time, dahlings, that was me...