Thursday, February 25, 2010


I would like to start with a quotation by someone much wiser than myself:

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination
Oscar Wilde

This may be true, or it may be false, but, whichever is the case, it is certainly more fun to live over and above one's means. I am not advocating large sums of credit card debt (particularly during these difficult economic times) but, that is not what the great Oscar Wilde meant.

We have just come back from one of the most amazing holidays, but the problem with holidays is that, at least for me, is that I allow myself to spend money non-stop with the excuse "It is my holidays, so I have the right to have a good time". Our holiday may have been in the Philippines, which is far from the most expensive place in the world, but, if anything this makes it worse. You then have the excuse that this or that is not expensive, so you can buy two, or three, when normally you wouldn't have even bought one.

So, it could be said that I have, over the years, taken Oscar Wilde's quotation a little too seriously (except that I only discovered it yesterday), and now I am paying the price. Or rather I am avoiding paying... We (my wife and I) have decided that we want to try and make it back to the Philippines by the end of the next year, but in order to do so we have to be a lot more careful with our money and pay off our debt (which is far from excessive, but is there all the same). So it is that my irresponsible youth comes to an end...!

Enough melodrama from me, at least until next time, that was me dahlings....

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