Friday, January 22, 2010

One year on...

It is strange to think it has been more than a year since I have posted on this page, and for that I apologise... I would like to say that I had an excuse, but I didn't. Yes, I was busy, yes, we got married, yes I had a hectic work schedule, yes, I changed careers, yes, yes and yes. But, at the end of the day my only excuse is my profound, deeply held belief in laziness!

"New career?", I hear you ask. Yes, that is right, I am now that most-hated of beings, a real estate agent. I am the one who will tell you that your home is not worth as much as you thought it was (it really isn't you know.); who will tell you that you don't have enough money to buy the home you want, or that you don't earn enough, or most probably both. I don't know if the real estate agent's reputation is still up at the top of the most-hated list, we are probably pipped to the post by lawyers, and, of course these days, way out front are the bankers. But we remain a species of little-loved beings, which, quite frankly bothers me about as much as a fly bothers an elephant. I am in it for the money, and if I don't make any, well then I have my back up profession: restaurants.

This I hope will be the start of much more to come from me in this blog, but knowing me I wouldn't hold my breath. If you are interested in our wedding feel free to check out the slide-show on youtube, or my DF's blog.

I hope to find you all again soon, and, until next time, dahlings, that was me...

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